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Union of Jewish Women Uganda

Our Latest Project

UPDATE: Our poultry farm has been nearly destroyed by the flood waters. We lost several hundred chickens and countless eggs in this disaster.

(Click on HERE for more information.)

The Union of Jewish women Uganda  started a small poultry farm of 200 birds. The project has kept growing and now we have 500 birds on our small farm.  It’s a great project that helps as a source of income for the women. The great thing about this project is that we have a good market for selling them.  Although we have a lot of challenges like the cost of feed, which is expensive, as well as the rent for the farm where we raise them, our farm is alive and growing.

Our goal is to buy the land so we we can set up a bigger farm for both broiler chickens and egg layers for wider market.

We are aiming at a 2000 bird farm. We need a helping hand and also an ambassador for our agriculture project, so that we can expand it. This will really be helpful because no woman should die of poverty.

Kick poverty out of UJWU women!


We promote and encourage women to take on leadership roles in their communities with the aim of increasing awareness of women Rights and freedom. We also advocate for the rights of a girl child and widows.

  • Innovation: We empower women with basic entrepreneurial skills for a better livelihood. Our hands-on entrepreneurial skills involves.

Reusable sanitary towels: Most of the women in our local communities use rags during their period because the extraordinary pads that are sold in the shops are quite expensive to be afforded. As a reasonable substitute for this, reusable sanitary towels are quite affordable and durable. Talented women currently use hand nidles to make the pads which makes the process extremely tiresome. The Union definitely need an ambassador to help in the promotion of branded sanitary towels so that more people nationwide and worldwide get to know about them.

Hand knit crafts: This basically involves making of the hand knit kippot (Yarmulke) both customized & standard. We make special orders for special events like Bar and Bat mitzvah, for wedding ceremonies and Gifts. We also create challah covers, paper beads and iPhone bags. All items come in different colors and sizes and are sold to both local and international market. Proceedings from the sales is divided into three. The first percentage goes in purchase of knitting materials, the second goes to the women knitters and a small proceedings is directed to towards UJWU daily programs. The women use their small pennies to support the girl-child with school materials in rural area. Large kippot go for $18 each, medium and small kippot go for $16 (each), customized kippot go for $20 (each), whereas the challah covers go for $25 each and $18 for iPhone bags each.

Communization: This is where women come together through a program known as hearing women’s voice. Under this program women of different ages share their challenges and also come up with solutions with the help of professional counselors and older women. The younger women also discuss their issues which are mostly economic. The younger women are encouraged to be innovative so that they can be able to cast out the culture of inter-dependency in their families. They are also encouraged to avoid early pregnancies and marriages which contributes highly on poverty.

Health workshops: we liaise with health officers from different health organizations to help with training on issues related to reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and Covid 19. For instance, selected health workers from Namutumba Health Centre usually come in to help with this regularly.

Subsistence farming: Every Ugandan on an average depends on farming for sustainability. This includes rearing of goats, cows, sheep, etc. but the major activity of them all is poultry farming which involves keeping chicken on both small and large scales.

A small poultry boiler farm has been constructed with the help of ICJW to keep birds for sell as one way of improving house hold income. The proceedings from these activities go towards supporting other projects that women engage in.